A monthly magazine to showcase the diverse creativity of the Midjourney community.

Subscribe and receive Issue 15, featuring artwork from Midjourney V6. Estimated delivery is late June.

Each magazine features a selection of artwork curated from the 10,000 most highly rated images, as well as interviews with Midjourney community members.


Is there a digital version of the magazine?

There is no digital copy of the magazine. Our intent is to highlight the community's work through the power of the printed format. We see the magazine as an opportunity to step away from the screen and enjoy human creativity at a different pace.

I didn't receive my magazine. What should I do?

After subscribing, you will receive the issue advertised on the website at the time of subscribing and subsequent issues. If you have not received your magazine within 4 weeks of the latest issue release, please contact billing@midjourney.com. If you have a question about refunds or cancellations, please contact billing@midjourney.com.

Does the magazine ship internationally?

Yes! Shipping is available globally but shipping times vary significantly.

How are images chosen to be featured? Can I submit an image for the magazine?

For each issue, we aggregate the community’s highest-rated jobs on Midjourney into a library of 10,000 images. Our team then manually goes through this batch, hand-selecting a few hundred images that form a shortlist of selects for the magazine. Images are selected based on several factors including conceptual clarity, originality, beauty, strikingness, stylistic diversity, and composition. We aim to showcase diverse interests and techniques that reflect our community.

We do not take direct submissions for the magazine. However, to increase your likelihood of being featured in the magazine, we encourage you to be active and create using our public Discord channels.

How can I order multiple copies of the magazine?

Additional inventory is listed for sale on this site. We currently only have a few issues in stock. We produce a small number of extra copies each month for free distribution in schools, stores, and community groups. Use this form to apply to our distribution list.

When will I receive the magazine?

New issues are created every month and typically ship towards the end of the month. Check the MJ official announcements on Discord for updates on each issue release. Please allow 7-10 days for delivery within the US. International shipping can take additional time, so please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery outside the US.

How can I manage my subscription?

You may manage your subscription by entering your email in the magazine subscription portal. If you cannot resolve your question through the magazine subscription portal, you may email billing@midjourney.com.

Monthly inspiration in your mailbox.

Subscribe and receive Issue 15, featuring artwork from Midjourney V6. Estimated delivery is late June.

Issue One - Sold Out